Gambling Awareness Podcast

Gambling Awareness Podcast – Listen Now!

Episode 1

This episode focuses on Gambling and Young People, with guest speakers involved in discussions of gaming, students and related issues.


The Gambling Awareness Podcast was created by 3 people who work for various UK charities helping people with gambling related harm.

Andy, Dan and Marc have many years’ experience of working with vulnerable people in many settings and this podcast aims to tap in on their experience on all things related to gambling. From slots machines and casinos to computers and loot boxes, each episode will focus on a different gambling related subject designed to help inform the listener in objective terms about the good, the bad and the ugly sides to gambling.

Marc Skinner- Ara Recovery For All

Marc has many years’ experience working with young people, firstly as a Mediator for young people experiencing homelessness and then as a Homeless Hostel Manager. He has extensive knowledge of working with families in conflict and vulnerable people with physical and mental health issues. Recently Marc worked as a Senior Case handler for and MP and Shadow Wales Minister. Within this role Marc worked closely on local and national issues including the recent reformation of the welfare state and Child Maintenance Service issues. Marc currently works as an Employment and Training Lead officer for Ara on the Young People’s Gambling Harm Prevention Programme.

Andy Limbert – Gamcare

Andy has many years’ experience of working with young people as an independent social worker and Foster carer. He has extensive knowledge of contextual safeguarding and in particular the impact of how Gambling Related Harm can effect young people. Whilst working in mental health services Andy worked directly with young people suffering adversity due to problem gambling. Andy currently works as an Employment and Training Lead officer for Gamcare on the Young People’s Gambling Harm Prevention Programme.

Dan Packe- Aquarius

Dan has over 20 years ‘experience working with young people as a Youth Worker on various projects ranging from youth homelessness, substance misuse and young offenders. Recognizing the effects on young people’s mental health, Dan specializes in using holistic therapies including art, heritage, identity and culture as ways to improve people’s lives.  Dan currently works as an Employment and Training Lead officer for Aquarius on the Young People’s Gambling Harm Prevention Programme.

Who are Ara Gambling Service?

Ara Gambling Service provides free, confidential advice for anyone struggling with problem gambling. This includes 1:1 counselling for gamblers and affected others in Wales and the South West of England.

How can I get help for my gambling or a loved one’s gambling?

To get in touch, call us on 0330 1340 286 or visit our Get Support page.

Reach out for assistance today

If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling related harms or homelessness related to drug and alcohol addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Our team is here to support you on your journey to recovery.

Or call 0330 1340 286