BAME Helpline

BAME Helpline Wales is open now! The helpline is open to everyone over the age of 18 in Wales, particularly those who identify as Black or Minority Ethnic. The helpline can be accessed in a number of different languages.

These languages include

  • Arabic
  • Farsi
  • Kurdish
  • Spanish
  • Urdu
  • Sylheti
  • Welsh
  • English.

The BAME helpline can be telephoned on 0300 222 5720 or contacted by text on 07537 432416

The helpline counsellors can:

  • Signpost to relevant organisations and services in your area
  • Provide specialist employment advice
  • Signpost and refer to specialist organisations
  • Provide information in a range of community languages
  • Provide information in relation to health, work, personal safety, your rights, education, housing, and welfare entitlements

Get in touch with Ara

Ara’s confidential 1:1 counselling with trained experts are here to help. Then we ask you to complete a short assessment. Then you will be referred to telephone or in-person sessions. These can be arranged during the day and in the evenings to fit around your work schedule.

Our most important message is people suffering gambling harms are not alone.

There are an estimated 30,000 people with experiencing disordered gambling in Wales alone.

This doesn’t include those at risk of developing harm, or the average of 7 affected others who also experience harms from another’s gambling. Additionally, we provide services in the regions of Wales, Wiltshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Cornwall and Somerset.

Please get in touch via our Get Support page or give us a call on 0330 1340 286

What support is on offer?

Finally, we have a range of interventions on offer, but our most important one is to listen.

  • Welsh and English language counsellors and materials are available
  • Self-exclusion tools and toolkits that help people re-evaluate their relationship with gambling